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Handbook of Electric Power CalculationsFrom Mcgraw-Hill (Tx)
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Electric power engineers and technicians can turn to the revision of this popular handbook for step-by-step calculation procedures for solving over 300 problems commonly encountered in electrical power engineering. Included are calculations for such areas as network analysis, ac and dc machines, transformers, transmission lines, system stability, grounding, lighting design, batteries, and engineering economics. 250 illustrations.
- Sales Rank: #1725089 in Books
- Published on: 1984-01
- Format: Unabridged
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 448 pages
From the Back Cover
Step-by-step calculation procedures for solving electric power problems with speed and accuracy Now you can solve electric power problems with speed, ease, and precision using this complete compilation of proven calculation procedures for solving over 300 commonly encountered problems. The second edition of this authoritative resource offers convenient access to all the procedures-plus practical, worked-out examples-you need to achieve error-free calculations. You'll find solutions for everything from evaluating motor performance to analyzing power transmission lines, selecting the right grounding system, and designing an outdoor lighting system. The 20 comprehensive sections were compiled by experts to provide detailed, step-by-step calculation procedures that require only basic math or algebra for solving problems in areas such as: network analysis; dc motors and generators; three-phase induction motors; electric power generation; electric-power networks; power-system control; power-system stability; economic methods; instrumentation; transformers; synchronous machines; transmission lines; load-flow; power-system protection; cogeneration; and more. This edition also includes new calculations in the key areas of ac to dc circuit transfer, the effect of power pools on systems capacity and reserve margins, power system protection, the effects of series, and capacitors in the network. There is no other single source that includes such a vast collection of electric power calculations. With this handbook, you'll also be able to solve problems faster than ever before--and with more confidence.
About the Author
H. Wayne Beaty is the former managing editor of Electric Light and Power and editor of McGraw-Hill's Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineering, Thirteenth Edition.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A good book for junior power engineer and good reference book for engineering students
By Simon0087
As a junior power engineer, I find this book is very useful. As a part time instructor teaching Electric Power System, I find this book is very easy for my students to understand and apply. Although this is the first edition, and it's even older than I do, the fundamental of the knowledge never ages.
I gave five stars, not only because the material is good, but also the seller is excellent. I like the way they pack the book, it shows the respect and care about the knowledge. That's the attitude that I appreciate most.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Practical Solutions
By Sajjad Hussain
This book provided the best examples from practical design point of view. Although some improvements can be made by adding more detailed stuff for GROUNDING, LIGHTING & SHORT CIRCUIT CHAPTERS. It provided me some basic concepts for selecting transformer's protection devices and other valuable information for about motors too.
14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Everything you never wanted to know about power calculations
By Jonathan B. Green
Calculations for network analysis, instrumentation, dc machines, transformers, 3 phase induction motors, single phase induction motors, synchronous machines, transmission lines, electric-power networks, load-flow studies, power-system control, short-circuit computations, system grounding, power-system protection, power-system stability, cogeneration, batteries, economic methods, and lighting design are covered in separate chapters. The information is available, it's just not easy to find. Small type makes reading difficult for anything other than short periods.
I haven't found any errors in formulae or explanations. The organization is logical and, except for the spacing, easy to follow.
Each section has it's own table of contents. The Index is large and appears to encompass most of the important topics in the book.
I'm using it to prepare for and take my Professional Engineering Exam and it looks like it will be an excellent reference.... this is the book I'd buy to have a handbook close at hand for quick, look ups.
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